What if Yangjae’s eyes are paralyzed?

Have you ever had an experience where things suddenly seemed to be two or out of focus? This symptom, called diplopia, often occurs suddenly because there are no signs, and patients are confused.Early treatment is an important disease, as it shows an improvement in most cases when it is treated in the early stages of discovery. Today, Yangjae Korean Medical Center’s thumb will tell you about the symptoms of child’s facial paralysis disease and how to treat Chinese medicine.

What is childhood paralysis?

The third cranial nerve among the cranial nerves that cause eye movement disorder is called the juvenile facial nerve. Among the muscles that move the eyes, these nerves are related to the movement of the inner rectus muscle, the upper rectus muscle, the lower rectus muscle, the lower extremity muscle, and the movement of the eyelids.If this nerve is paralyzed, diplopia may appear, and if it is severe, eyelid drooping and pupil ridge area may appear.

What is the cause of childhood paralysis?

According to the study, there is a difference in the frequency of nerve paralysis that causes eye movement disorders.In the case of cerebral palsy number 6, 57%, 21%, and 17%, respectively. In addition, ischemic causes of cerebrovascular vessels are the most common, and the causes are idiopathic, head trauma, and tumors.

What are the symptoms of childhood paralysis?

There are some patients who come to the hospital with the thumb of Yangjae oriental medicine clinic. If the eyes move outward or the eyelids are wound, the dilated pupil can be seen as a symptom of nerve paralysis. Also, eyelid drooping may occur due to the reduced function of the eyelid lifting muscles.

What is the traditional Chinese medical treatment for facial paralysis?

Yangjae oriental medicine doctor’s thumb will check if there are any special lesions depending on the condition of the child’s face nerve paralysis patient. Along with the blood treatment centered around the blood tears around the eyes, Chinese medicine treatment will be performed at the same time.It is possible to recover completely in about 3-6 months on average with Chinese medicine treatment. Today, we talked about child facial paralysis. If symptoms appear, don’t hesitate to visit Yangjae Oriental Medicine’s thumb or ask for a shortcut to Kakao Talk shortcut. I will make an effort for your quick recovery. ^^ 50m NAVER Corp. More / OpenStreetMap Map Data x NAVER Corp. / OpenStreetMap Map Controller Legend Real Estate Street Town, Myeon, Simultaneous, County, District, Country

Umji Oriental Medicine Clinic Reservations on 3F, Oi Building, 22 Nambu Circulation-ro 365-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

Umji Oriental Medicine Clinic Reservations on 3F, Oi Building, 22 Nambu Circulation-ro 365-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

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